2025 Dream Starter Application Questions – Preview
Preliminary Information: Tell us a little bit about yourself
- Company name:
- Number of founders:
- Founder(s) name(s):
- Founder(s) email:
- Founder(s) phone number:
- Founder(s) current city:
Company Information: Tell us about your company
- Company website:
- Provide a brief description of your company:
- Company address:
- Date the company was founded:
- What does your company/product aim to resolve?
- Brief description of a recent win or accomplishment:
- What stage is your company in?
- Drop down menu options:
- Concept only
- Product in development
- Prototype ready
- Full product ready
- Product in market
- Market size opportunity (total number of potential customers):
- Number of current staff members (if any):
- Number of current advisory members (if any):
- Relevant company video links:
- Drop down menu options:
Customers: Who are your customers?
- Define your target market (i.e. families, students, generation specific, etc.):
- Letters of intent (LOI’s):
- YoY customer growth for 2023-2024 (if applicable):
- Projected customer growth for 2024 to 2025 (Can share MoM or QoQ growth):
Revenue Information
- Revenues in 2024 (if applicable):
- Revenues from previous years (if applicable):
- Projected revenues in 2025:
- Current profitability:
- Dollars:
- Percentage:
Additional Questions
- What differentiates you from your competitors in the market? (List up to three reasons)
- Who do you see as your main competitor(s) and why?
- What are the top three ways you would use the $100K in funding to grow your business?
- (Marketing, sales, employee growth, product development, legal, etc.)
- What kind of growth impact would this grant have on your business?
- (Runway, number of customers, partner development, revenues, profitability, product development, brand development, patent filing, etc.)
- How much money have you raised to date?
- Are you currently fundraising or planning to fundraise in 2025?
- If yes, how much have you raised thus far?
- How did you hear about this application?
- Social Media (Instagram, X, Facebook, LinkedIn, Tik Tok)
- Word of Mouth
- com
- com
- ATXFC Insider Newsletter
- In-Stadium Videoboard QR Code
- Local News Article
- TV/Broadcast
- Other (fill in the blank)