Austin FC is committed the bringing to beautiful game to everyone in Austin.
Ahead of the 2021 fall youth soccer season in Austin, the 4ATX Foundation and Austin FC teamed up with Capitol Area Youth Soccer Association (CAYSA) and North Austin Soccer Alliance (NASA) to identify and award 42 scholarships for deserving youth players in the area.
The scholarships will lessen the financial burden for Austin youth and their families, making the 2021/22 soccer season easily accessible to this group of the game’s future stars that just might take the field at Q2 Stadium someday.
![cook elem soccer scholarship recipients 2[1]](
Congratulations to all 42 scholarship recipients, including:
Name/Nombre: Merida van Swelm
Age/Edad: 8
Position/Posición: Goalkeeper, Right Center Back, Right Wing
Club / Team: Barça
School/Escuela: Annie Purl Elementary
Favorite Austin FC Player/Futbolista Favorito del Austin FC: Andrew Tarbell
Favorite Thing About Austin/Cosa Favorita de Austin: That Austin has Austin FC!
My goals for this season/Mis metas para la temporada: To become a better player.
Name/Nombre: Santiago Rivillo
Age/Edad: 7
Position/Posición: Midfielder/Defender
Club / Team: Barca Academy ‘14 Boys Blue
School/Escuela: Homeschool
Favorite Austin FC Player/Futbolista Favorito del Austin FC: Sebastián Drissi
Favorite Thing About Austin/Cosa Favorita de Austin: My favorite thing about Austin is the amount of soccer played here. [Lo que más me gusta de Austin es la cantidad de fútbol que se juega aquí.]
My goals for this season/Mis metas para la temporada: My goals for this season are to play my best, make the best moves, and score some goals. [Mis objetivos para esta temporada son dar lo mejor de mí, hacer los mejores movimientos y marcar algunos goles.]
Name: Dulce Morales
Age/Edad: 9
Position/Posición: Defense [Defensa]
Club/Team: Capital City, 2012 Girls Sky South
School/Escuela: Langford Elementary
Favorite Austin FC Player/Futbolista Favorito del Austin FC: Héctor Jiménez
Favorite Thing About Austin/Cosa Favorita de Ausitn: The art. [El arte.]
My goals for this season/Mis metas para la temporada: Improve in front positions and to work on my dribbling. [Mejorar en posiciones delanteras y trabajar en mi regate.]
Name: Jaiden Gibson
Age/Edad: 8
Position/Posición: Midfielder [Mediocampista]
Club / Team: GSA
School/Escuela: Round Rock Idea Tech
Favorite Thing About Austin/Cosa Favorita de Austin: Food [La comida.]
My goals for this season/Mis metas para la temporada: To score goals every Game. [Marcar goles en cada partido.]
Name: David Ayala Panchi
Age/Edad: 7
Position/Posición: Forward [Delantero]
Club: Millennium Soccer Kids
School/Escuela: Harris Elementary
Favorite Austin FC player/Futbolista Favorito del Austin FC: Tomas Pochettino
Favorite thing about Austin/Cosa Favorita de Austin: The skyline and lakes. [El horizonte y los lagos.]
My goals for this season/Mis metas para la temporada: Play my best and get to state. [Jugar lo mejor que pueda y llegar a la competencia estatal.]
Name: Dominik Aquiles Bustillos
Age/Edad: 7
Position/Posición: Delantero [Forward]
Club / Team: Millennium Soccer Kids
School/Escuela: Hulan Elementary
Favorite Thing About Austin/Cosa Favorita de Austin: Que está creciendo mucho y ya trajeron un equipo de soccer que es nuestro deporte favorito. [That it’s growing a lot and there is already a soccer team here, which is our favorite sport.]
My goals for this season/Mis metas para la temporada: Que gane el equipo, porque le echan muchas ganas. [That the team wins, because they really want to.]
Name: Jaime Aaron Elias Barajas
Age/Edad: 7
Position/Posición: Delantero y mediocampista [Forward and midfield]
Club / Team: Millennium Soccer Kids
School/Escuela: Presidential Meadows
Favorite Thing About Austin/Cosa Favorita de Austin: Que está creciendo mucho. [That it’s growing a lot.]
My goals for this season/Mis metas para la temporada: Que podamos terminar bien el torneo y se sigan superando. [That we can finish the season well and keep getting better.]
Name: Serbando Osorio
Age/Edad: 8
Position/Posición: Defense [Defensa]
Club / Team: MSk
School/Escuela: Kipp Alegra Primery
Favorite Austin FC Player/Futbolista Favorito del Austin FC: Cecilio Dominguez
Favorite Thing About Austin/Cosa Favorita de Austin:
My goals for this season/Mis mestas para la temporada: My Goals For CAYSA are work so hard to be professional soccer player. [Mis metas para CAYSA son trabajar muy duro para ser futbolista profesional.]
Name: Gael Govea
Age/Edad: 7
Position/Posición: Center Mid [Medio campo]
Club / Team: Sting/Red 2013B
School/Escuela: Idea Pflugerville
Favorite Austin FC Player/Futbolista Favorito del Austin FC:
Favorite Thing About Austin/Cosa Favorita de Austin: There is a lot places to have fun. [Existen muchos lugares divertidos.]
My goals for this season/Mis metas para la temporada: To get better with my soccer skills. [Mejorar mis habilidades futbolísticas.]
Name: Juanpablo Cedre
Age/Edad: 9
Position/Posición: Goalkeeper & Wing [Portero y Extremo]
Club / Team: Tri-County SC/ Cav12
School/Escuela: St. Joseph Catholic Academy
Favorite Austin FC Player/Futbolista Favorito del Austin FC: Brad Stuver & Rodney Redes
Favorite Thing About Austin/Cosa Favorita de Austin: Spending time with my family site seeing. [Pasar tiempo con mi familia visitando lugares de interés.]
My goals for this season/Mis metas para la temporada: Get better in my basic goalkeeper and foot skills. [Mejorar en mis habilidades básicas de portero y de pie.]
Name: Dylan Padron Huerta
Age/Edad: 8
Position/Posición: Delantero [Forward]
Club / Team: Millennium Soccer Kids
School/Escuela: Idea Montopolis
Favorite Austin FC Player/Futbolista Favorito del Austin FC: Diego Fagundez
Favorite Thing About Austin/Cosa Favorita de Austin: Que ayuda a muchas personas. [That the city helps a lot of people.]
My goals for this season/Mis metas para la temporada: Que no vuelva a parar sus actividades por la pandemia. [That we don’t have to stop our activities again because of the pandemic.]